"About 87% of ML models never make it to production."


runs like clockwork

Most ML practitioners are fresh from University. Wouldn’t you prefer professionals who have decades of experience?

We are a collective of experts each having spent 30 years in industry.

We offer consulting services and corporate training. We install processes that reduce time to market and cut maintenance costs.

With our help, your ML project won’t be one of the failing 87%.

Instead, you’ll have a project that delivers on time and on budget.

Experience Counts

The recipe is simple: we take industry best practices and apply them to ML projects.

  • Reduce costs

    With a CI/CD pipeline, you'll be delivering value every day, all day.

  • Deliver Faster

    Automated tests will mean your team moves faster without breaking things.

  • Deliver Quality

    Adopting robust processes means problems are spotted sooner and fixes are cheaper.

  • Deliver Value

    Employing Agile techniques means we build exactly what the customer wants.